Posts Tagged ‘Lucius’

I’ve decided to try a new format for this article in the hopes it makes my thoughts come out more translucent. I hope you enjoy it.

Say, you know what would make a great family friendly game? How about a story regarding a 6 year old child who just happens to be the son of Satan that’s hell-bent on killing everyone in the mansion he lives in? Ooo I do enjoy these family game nights oh so much!

yahtzee-2Though admittedly, I still enjoy Yahtzee a bit more

No, I speak of the 2012 PC game known as “Lucius”. Developed by Shiver Games, Lucius is a psychological horror game set in the 1960s. You play as the spawn of Satan (quite literally) and your father needs you to kill people so he can gains souls to….take over the world?

M._Bison_(OF_COURSE)Hopefully, some people will get this joke.

So regarding that new format I was speaking of earlier, I have taken it upon myself to study the story, and game play to Lucius and let you know if this deserves a 666/10 or if this game should be doused in holy water and pay for it sins.


“Gamers, what about graphics and sound? Do those qualities mean nothing to you?” Gee, you’re right. Game looks bland and the sound is like cat’s nails on a chalkboard and the cat’s in labor. Let’s move on.

The game starts with Lucius’ birthday party as he’s turning 6 (because you know, Hell reference). Everything seems to be all fine and dandy when one of the maids tells Lucius he needs to go bed soon. Lucius does what any 6 year old would given those instructions…waits until she goes into the meat freezer, closes it behind her and then padlocks it shut so she’ll die over night. You know….typical 6 year old fun. This leads to the start of an investigation conducted by Detective McGuffin. Lucius (human) father Charles Wagner is worried that this death may get out to the press and ruin his chance at re-election, once again showing the wondrous and humane side of politics. In fact, Charles doesn’t really seem to care about much more than his political campaign. No, seriously, almost every death in the first half of the game revolves around his political standpoint. People are fucking dying in your household man! What’s wrong with you?

4f66a786905d867a54e5a45d8474d83e8826fabdTruly the shining example of what a good father should be…

So while father of the year is busy with his political strife, Lucius continues to murder people in his mansion. He does so using a multitude of different abilities including mind control, telekinesis, mind wipe and even a giant fireball. Lucius is clever enough to make each crime look like an accident or a placed murder meaning he’s never suspected. Finally, we get a break from the murders and find out a little more about Lucius from his grandfather. It turns out that when Lucius was born, his grandfather performed a satanic ritual (why do all rituals seem satanic) in which he somehow turned his grandson in the devil’s spawn…Yeah it’s not really ever explained in detail honestly. But hey, who cares because you end that old bastard’s life a few minutes after you learn the secret anyways. After this personal kill, the father does….mostly nothing. Yeah, great dad and a better son. Charles, you truly are something to be admired.

To speed this along, we finally get to the end of the game in which Lucius uses his father to murder his mother. His father then takes off with the detective chasing him leaving you alone with a police officer. You use your power to kill said officer which leads to one of 2 endings for you to choose. I can’t comment on the “Puzzle” ending since I didn’t see it but the “Fire” ending leads to you…killing everyone and everything that stood in the house including your father who happens to come back with the town priest (with the weird exception of the detective). Hooray for happy endings?!

Happy_EndingOh no, that’s not what I meant…

So what do I think about the story? Well, it’s okay (I guess) but there’s nothing much to it. Lucius is born, Lucius is Satan’s son, Lucius kills family, and we’re done here. I suppose for what it was aiming for, it hit the nail on the head. While there is some character development shown with the father, grandfather, and detective, most of these characters are just overly bland including Lucius. You know, character development is important especially in the MAIN CHARACTER. You don’t feel bad for any of the slaughtered victims because they’re never developed (though I suppose you wouldn’t given the circumstances). Overall, while I don’t hate the story, it’s nothing I would write home about.

Game Play:
So that leads me to the game play aspect and this…is far worse than the actual story. Yeah, as bland as this story is, you would think being able to control the DEMONIC SPAWN OF SATAN would be a hell of a lot of fun. Sadly, most of your actions include running around, opening doors, picking stuff up and….that’s about it. Oh sure you do have abilities but they aren’t really used all that often. If you’re caught using the telekinesis, you’ll get in trouble and mind control/mind swipe are basically story related. This means this hardcore psychological thriller regarding the innocent deaths of loved ones is really just a complex, poorly done, incredibly scripted puzzle game. OH SCREW YOU SHIVER GAMES! WAY TO GIVE US A GRAND CONCEPT AND THEN MOCK US!

I mean, maybe being pissed isn’t right but are you serious? I AM PLAYING AS THE SPAWN OF SATAN. Satan, you know, the most evil of evil? The fallen angel? The dark lord – no wait that’s Voldemort. NONE THE LESS, what in Hell (pun) happened here?

847482_017You gave this guy control, didn’t you?

I guess the argument can be made that you’re not well developed into your evil powers but that still doesn’t get around the incredibly scripted storyline. Don’t get me wrong, I get why it’s scripted. It’s trying to convey the pieces into a story but honestly, i would rather just have a good old fashion “kill’em all”. I mean, do you actually think anyone bought this game under the premise that they wanted to be told a good story? I would sacrifice the entire story if it meant killing options, use of powers and NOT SO MANY PUZZLES.

This is where Lucius falls apart. I feel like there was potential here. It was different, sort of cutting-edge and even taboo. I mean, not too many games give you such an evil premise to live up to. The whole “Satanism” thing is a bit….against typical norms even in gaming. If you’re going to make a game celebrating it, at least go all out on it. Don’t give me puzzle solving, door opening, point a to point b crap. The most fun I had in this game was using my fireball a whole….3 times. Take it from me, the only redemption of sins one needs to partake in is praying to God they can forget about this game. Lucius, not only do you fall to be a psychological horror game, in many ways you fail to be a game.

Of course, that’s my opinion. Do you have a different opinion? Do you think my opinion is garbage? Well, good news, you get to use the comment box below in order to let me know exactly what you think of my article! So go ahead, take advantage of free speech and really let me have it. Until next time, I’m Gamers Mentality and this game is over.