Personal Top 5 – Nostalgic Games

Posted: February 2, 2015 in PT5
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Two things, first I don’t like doing anything passed five for a countdown. I prefer to keep it shorter because I feel it gives the five I’ve chosen a true meaning. The second is the very first word in the title “Personal” as in “my personal favorite”. Nothing in the top five will be a declaration of facts. With that said, let’s talk about Nostalgia.

A brief description: Nostalgia is that feeling you get when you play an older game and think “Oh wow, this takes me back!” It’s a wonderful feeling and it really hits you hard at times. Below I list five games that really hit my nostalgia. I tried to reach out to games that were during my childhood/teenage phase of life. I do have a lot of other meaningful games that are more current but this list is just dedicated to some of the oldies. I welcome you to share your top five games that really bring out your nostalgic side.

Number 5:
Super Mario World (SNES)

SMW was the first game I beat, ever! I spent countless hours playing and re-playing levels to get better scores and find new secrets. By the end, I was a talented little kid with this game. Sadly, I think I’ve lost some of my touch but with that said, this game still holds up nicely. Whether you have this game emulated or even own the original SNES/cartridge, It’s highly recommended. The levels are still great, the music is classic and it’s so awesome to feel that nostalgic feeling (especially on the SNES).

Number 4:
Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)


This was probably the first game I’ve ever played with a friend. Now you’re thinking “Isn’t FF7 single player?” Well yes, it is. However, that didn’t stop my friend and I from picking our favorite characters and taking turns. Basically, we would wait until it was that character’s turn in combat and then switch paddles to that person. It sounds like it would be a huge pain but it was really fun. We really got into our characters and even thought of silly side stories for them (I believe one included Caith Sith being some dark lord or something). We were young, probably stupid but man we had fun. This wouldn’t be the only game we played together, but it would probably be the most memorable. For that reason, despite how overrated this game is due to fans, this game will always be on my nostalgia list.

Number 3:
Rock Band (X-Box 360)


Oh god, I absolutely LOVED Rock Band and even though I’m older now, I would be a liar to say if someone didn’t ask me to do guitar, I would say no. Rock Band was the first time you and 3 friends could rock out to great hits with gaming instruments. Considering I have as much instrumental talent as a brick, this game was a dream come true. I still recall when my friends I challenged the “Endless Set List”. It was the longest, most grueling and most epic afternoon of Rock Band we ever had. I would gladly redo it all too. It wasn’t the perfect game by any means but it was one of the few games all of us could play at once. I still remember carrying around the instruments from house to house (it was a pain in the a$$). We had fun, we had a lot of pizza and soda and we were rock stars. I still say it’s time to get the band back together!

Number 2:
NFL Street 2 (PS2)


You remember being young and getting your best bros together for a tackle game of street football? You would come home covered in mud and dirt but, holy hell, did you feel awesome. NFL Streets 2 was the gaming equivalent of that. The game-play was awesome and creating a character meant putting yourself into the game. Honestly, NFL Streets 2 had a really good “Create a Character” considering the time. One of my best friends and I would create our whole group of friends and take on pro NFL teams (usually destroying them in the process). I would always remark that it took him forever to create the characters but it was always worth it. This game not only started but also signified one of the best friendships I still have to this day. Even now, I would love to go back and get me some Game Breakers to show those pro teams who the real champs are. Also, my friend would kill me if I didn’t mention that the music to this game was absolutely awesome!

Number 1:
Final Fantasy 10 / Hot Shots Golf 3 (Both PS2)

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You’re thinking two things: First, why not just do a top 6? Second, you’re thinking how these two games can even relate to each other. Well, the reason is these were the two games I play a lot with my brother. I don’t really see or hang out with him like I use to but when I think of gaming memories, it’s always these two games. We use to play Hot Shots Golf 3 together constantly against each other and against the computer. It never mattered who won, all that mattered was we were chilling and having a great time. When it comes to Final Fantasy 10, we were both addicted to this game. We did EVERYTHING in it. We would constantly talk about our achievements and see if the other could hold up to it. In truth, he was more successful than me (mostly because he was smart enough to get Auto-Life). I really can’t express in words how much I miss gaming with my brother. They are, literally, the best memories of my High School life. Whenever I was stressed or upset, I knew I could look forward to him showing up randomly in my room, asking what I was doing and then sitting in the chair waiting for me to put in something. We would drink sodas, talk about life and just play our hearts out. While I could put other games in this space as well, these are the two that always come to mind the most. Don’t get me wrong, I still see my brother from time to time. Once we get started talking about video games, it feels like the minutes just fly by and it brings me right back to being 15/16 years old. So, this number 1 spot is for you MAG (he always used that name when he created someone in a game).

Thank you for taking the time to read my first “PT5”. If I can leave you on anything, it’s this: Don’t be afraid to embrace your nostalgia. Sometimes it can make you feel happy or silly. Sometimes, it can even make you a little sad but that’s okay. No one can take away those beautiful memories you have and the best gift of all is that you get to experience that nostalgia as much as you want.

Keep Gaming My Friends,

– Gamers Mentality

  1. Chase says:

    Nice tastes :D, great Article too btw. Keep’em comin’ :D

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